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How do I see my NFTrophy on my phone wallet?


First: Congrats on claiming your NFTrophy!

Having your NFT minted and visible in OpenSea alone makes you a legit NFT holder!
However, since at least for now, NFTs can’t be visualized on your Metamask browser extension, having them on your phone can come handy.

The next steps will guide you in the process to be able to see, and show off your NFTrophy on your mobile Metamask app (#BraggingRights) It’s not hard, but takes a few steps:

Step 1. Adding Polygon to you wallet

You’ll need to add the Polygon Network to your Metamask wallet:

These are the screens you’ll need to follow to get to the form where you’ll be able to add the Polygon network information. 👇

This is the information you’ll need to enter in the form once you get there:

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet
In the RPC URL field:

Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbo: MATIC

Block Explorer URL field: in

Here’s a good resource in case you need additional instructions.

Step 2. Adding the NFTrophy to your wallet

This is also easy, but again, it’ll also require a few steps, go to your NFT in OpenSea copy the Contract Address and the Token ID from the “Attributes” section.

On your Metamask app on the phone, go to the NFT tab and then at the bottom, click on the “Import NFTs” button. Paste the information you got from OpenSea and voila!

You should be able to see your NFTrophy on your phone now!